Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week Four

This litter of pups is incredible! We are seeing fun, happy, people oriented puppies, who come running over to us every time they see us! Tails wagging, jumping up to be picked up, they have awesome personalities!
And the heads, the bone, the chest and the tiny ears! We are seeing exactly what we thought would lock in. These pups are going to be real attention getters wherever they go! One plush female and one smooth female are still looking for their forever homes.

                   Margarita (Miss Purple) on the left is on hold. Daiquiri (Miss Pink) is available
                               Mai Tai (Mr Blue) is on hold but Alize (Miss Aqua) is available

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week Three

                                          Miss Pink aka Daiquiri
                                          Mr Blue aka Mai Tai
                                           Miss Aqua aka Alize
                                           Miss Purple aka Margarita